Concrete Repair Specifications - Section 3133

Concrete Repair Specifications - Section 3133. Section 3133: Concrete Repair. (Specification for Preparation, Installation & Curing of Concrete Patching Compounds) 100 DESCRIPTION. 1. This specification describes items common to all installations of concrete patching compounds. 101 GENERAL. 1. Wherever the words "approved by", "equivalent" or ...

Repair of Concrete - Interdisciplinary Professional Programs

He has also developed repair specifications for collapsed decks, precast wall panels, and many other concrete structure defects. Donnelly serves on the ACI committees on Prestressed Concrete and Parking Structures and on Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) Repair and Rehabilitation Committee.

Sidewalk Program | City of Detroit

The sidewalk cross slope shall be 2%. The minimum clear width of the sidewalk shall be six feet. If the longitudinal slope of the sidewalk exceeds 1:20 it is considered a ramp and a level landing must be provided for every 30-inch change in elevation and in some cases handrails may be required. Following is a link to a website that outlines ADA ...

22 Spec - 602 Concrete Sidewalks, Loading Zones, Safety ...

Effective with the November 2021 Letting 2022 Standard Specifications 602.3.2.4 Reinforcement (1) If required, use reinforcement conforming to, and place it as specified on, the plans. 602.3.2.5 Joints (1) For sidewalks of uniform width, construct transverse joints at right angles to the sidewalk centerline, and construct longitudinal joints parallel to the centerline, unless specified otherwise.

Concrete Repair Manual (CRM)

Concrete Repair Manual 1-5 TxDOT 03/2021 Chapter 1 — Introduction Section 2 — Using the Concrete Repair Manual Section 2 — Using the Concrete Repair Manual When developing repair or rehabilitation plans, the Engineer should specifically include which sections of this manual will be enforced. Chapter 2 includes information on assessing damage,

Standards To Be Employed by Licensed Sidewalk …

Sidewalk repair and/or curb alterations require the issuance of a Physical Alteration Permit. Physical Alteration Permits may be issued to a Providence Sidewalk Contractor, or Limited Providence Sidewalk Contractors. Limited sidewalk contractors have the same requirements as a full sidewalk contractor, with a lesser performance bond amount.

Sidewalk Repair Manual - City of Portland, Oregon

Spalled sidewalks and driveways, where the concrete is chipped to the point of creating a trip hazard, shall be posted for repair. A guideline of ½ - inch width and/or ½- inch depth will be used in determining if a spalled area is hazardous. Raised Areas Raised sidewalks and driveways shall be posted when the raised area is hazardous.

Guidelines and Specifications for Sidewalk Repair

owner to repair or replace. SPECIFICATIONS A. Definition: Sidewalk means any Portland cement concrete walkway constructed in that portion of street right of way designed particularly for pedestrian travel. B. Concrete sidewalks in all residential area, excepting those along collector or major streets, shall not be less than four feet in width.

How to Repair Sidewalks with Concrete Grinding - Concrete ...

Why concrete grinding is the best for sidewalk repair. Concrete grinding or sidewalk cement grinding is one method to remove sidewalk trip hazards typically up to 1 1/2″ in height where sidewalks have been lifted by tree roots, shifting soil, etc. Concrete grinding will remove the top finished layer of cement and leave an exposed aggregate ...

Construction Standards - City of Overland Park, Kansas

The 2021 Design Standards are effective for any new construction plans submitted after July 1, 2021. To determine whether you should be using new requirements for projects submitted before July 1, check with your contact at the City or with the Engineering Services Division of the Planning and Development Department at 913-895-6223. Design and ...


Concrete Sidewalks SECTION 03 30 00 – CONCRETE SIDEWALKS PART 1: GENERAL. 1.1 PURPOSE OF STANDARDS . A. The standards set forth in the following specifications are the minimum criteria required by TheUniversity of Texas at Dallas to be used in sidewalk design. B. Any unusual circumstances or special designs requiring variance from these ...

4.4 Sidewalk Repairs | Street Works Manual

4.4 Sidewalk Repairs. A temporary sidewalk closure while a sidewalk repair is underway. Upon completion of work, sidewalks must be restored according to Highway Rules, Section 2-09 (f) (4) and NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications. Some of the requirements include but are not limited to:

How to Repair Sidewalks | City of Oregon, Ohio

Concrete removal and replacement is the traditional method for sidewalk repair when the damage is so extensive that alternative methods are not enough to make the necessary repairs. Today there are a wide variety of sidewalk repair technologies available that, when implemented correctly, can result in major savings of both time and money.

Concrete Sidewalk Repair Replacement - New York State ...

Request for Proposal for Concrete Sidewalk Repair/Replacement . DATE OF ISSUANCE: Tuesday February 5, 2019 TYPE OF PROJECT: CONCRETE SIDEWALK REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ... AHA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or take exception to these RFP specifications …


This specification covers the requirements for the construction of concrete sidewalks. 351.01.01 Specification Significance and Use This specification is written as a municipal-oriented specification. Municipal-oriented specifications are developed to reflect the administration, testing, and payment policies, procedures, and practices of many


SIDEWALK, CURB, AND COBBLESTONE REPAIR EVENT NO. 7079 SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4.0 The purpose of these specifications is to describe methods and materials required to make repairs to existing concrete or brick sidewalks, repairs to the brick and slate walks on Rousakis Plaza and the Riverwalk area, and

ADA Compliance Guidelines for Sidewalks

For ADA compliance, the minimum sidewalk width is 36 inches (3 feet), though sidewalks can be wider. If sidewalks are less than 60 inches (5 feet) wide, passing spaces must be constructed every 200 feet. These passing spaces (which could be a driveway or wider section of concrete) need to be at least 60 inches on all sides.

Sidewalk Repair Manual - Watertown

SIDEWALK REPAIR METHOD - GRIND SIDEWALK REPAIR METHOD - GRIND Grind Concrete grinding, or horizontal saw cutting, is a method typically used to remove "stub toes" that are 1 inch (1") high or less, perpendicular to the flow of pedestrian traffic. Prior to performing work, verify with the City Engineer to determine if grinding would be an ...


SIDEWALK REPAIR SPECIFICATIONS (cont.) 14. Historical Sidewalk Score Patterns are required to preserve and restore the historic character of the Central City, which is the area generally bordered by Interstate 5, Highway 50, and by Alhambra Boulevard and C Street. Construction or reconstruction of sidewalks within the Central City are to be in

SECTION 02750 PART 1 GENERAL 2. Concrete curbs. 3. A ...

CURB AND SIDEWALK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Concrete sidewalks. 2. Concrete curbs. 3. Aggregate subbase for sidewalks. 5. Aggregate subbase for curbs. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Concrete Institute: 1. ACI 301 – Specifications for Structural Concrete. 2. ACI 304 – Guide for Measuring, Mixing,

Miscellaneous Curb and Sidewalk Details

10. clear sidewalk width excluding the pedestrian rail the sidewalk but payment is subsidiary to item 450 "railing". information. concrete rail foundation to be poured with 9. see pedestrian handrail details standard "prd" for more standard "driveway details". 8. for sidewalk details at driveways, see san antonio district item 530. 7.


Concrete Curb & Gutter, Driveways, Sidewalks, and Other Miscellaneous Concrete Page 2.4-6 City of Fairfax, VA – Public Facilities Manual February 2017 Aggregate base materials for foundation support shall be VDOT 21A, compacted, and in compliance with Section 208 of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. CONCRETE ADMIXTURES


Concrete Pavement, Curb & Gutter, Sidewalk and/or any other concrete surface work released by the City of for public construction in accordance with the plans and specifications for the project. 501.2 Associated Sections of These Standard Specifications The Contractor is advised that associated work is covered in other sections of

32 16 00 Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalk, and Driveway

for list of some of the concrete repair and replacement locations. Quantities of "Remove and Replace Concrete Sidewalk (4-inches thick)" will be paid for at the contract price per measured quantity, and shall include full compensation for furnishing transportation, labor, …

Sidewalk, Curb, and Concrete Repair Guildelines | C&L Services

C&L Services does a wide variety of concrete-related work including sidewalks, curb/inlet repair, ramp areas, and much more. We have a professionally trained crew in place to handle all your concrete needs. Concrete repair beautifies your property and reduces your chance of liability by making your property safer, more attractive and reduces ...


INDOT Standard Specifications Section 604 Sidewalks, CurbRamps, Steps, and Handrails Section 805 Traffic Signals Section 905.05 Detectable Warning Surfaces INDOT Standard Drawings 604-SWCR Sidewalk Curb Ramps 604-SWDK Sidewalk and Sidewalk Transitions 805-PBBA Pedestrian Pushbutton Assembly ADAAG vs. PROWAG

Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 73: Concrete ...

When textured concrete or colored concrete surfaces are specified, make sure the contractor constructs test panels under Section 51-1.01D(2)(c), "Test Panels," of the Standard Specifications. 4-7306 Payment. Measure concrete curbs and sidewalks by the cubic yard from the dimensions shown on the plans or by longitudinal field measurement.


CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTERS AND SIDEWALKS 05/18 ***** NOTE: This guide specification covers the requirements for concrete sidewalks and curbs and gutters. Adhere to UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard when editing this guide specification or preparing new project specification sections. Edit this guide


sidewalk surfaces, in accordance with City Standard sidewalks as defined in Section 204 of DPW Standard Specifications and Curb Ramp Standard Plans. 2. Curb ramp and sidewalk slab-on-grade shall be constructed according to DPW standard specification section 204 with #3 steel reinforced bars at mid-depth of the concrete slab.


If a sidewalk is to be repaired or replaced, it must be constructed of concrete (per City of Johnstown specifications), and a permit must be obtained, in advance, from the City Clerk's office. If the driveway pavement is removed and replaced, the sidewalk must be maintained at grade and constructed of concrete even if it had been previously ...


l7"sidewalk] ~p'joint roadway7 varies '4"conc. sidewalk. section 1-1 not to scale /. r~eesteel faced curb / detail h~1010 rroaowayvares top view -steel faced conc. curb top view -concrete curb curb "" " detail-a roadway7 varies slope h4'" ft7. section 2-2 nottoscale elevation nottoscale new york city department of transportation top '"sealer ...


3. General Conditions of the Contract to REPAIR OF CONCRETE and SIDEWALKS 4. Supplementary (and amended General) Conditions. 5. Divisions of the Technical Specifications. 6. Addenda issued during bid period. (by Owner and acknowledged in bid form) 1.2 Addenda are written or graphic instruments issued prior to the execution of the Contract which

Chapter 4 Construction Details - Caltrans

This section provides guidelines for inspecting concrete curbs, sidewalks, and their appurtenances, such as gutter depressions, island paving, curb ramps, and driveways. For specifications about the construction of concrete curbs and sidewalks, refer to Section 73, "Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks," of the Standard Specifications.


Section 02400 Concrete Curb & Gutter, Driveways, Sidewalks, and Other Miscellaneous Concrete Page 02400-2 The City of Lynchburg, VA - Manual of Specifications and Standard Details April 2020 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE Materials and operations shall comply with the latest revision of all applicable Codes and Standards. 1.6 STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS

City Center Rink Sidewalk Repair

5. Technical Specifications for Concrete Repair (8 Pages) 6. Plans (4 Pages) Questions/Clarifications: 1. Vehicular access is available through East Approach Street off of Kennedy Plaza. Enter down the ramp onto the northern end of the sidewalk. 2. Repair of concrete on the section of the rink will be made via patching, with minimal


The Contractor shall construct one-course sidewalks of a minimum thickness of four (4) inches in accordance with the plans and specifications. Sidewalk through a driveway section shall be a minimum thickness of six (6) inches. Concrete driveway approaches shall be a minimum thickness of six (6) inches. SUBGRADE

ECRS Patching and Repair: Versatile products for exterior ...

ARDEX TRM™ Transportation Repair Mortar. Fast-Setting Horizontal Concrete Repair Mortar. Fast setting structural repair mortar for overlays and full depth interior and exterior repairs. Installs from 1/2" to 4" neat, and up to 8" with aggregate. Go to product.