Phosphorus Supply and Demand - MIT

Phosphorus is mined primarily as phosphate rock, a fairly common rock found worldwide. It takes about 1 ton of phosphate to produce 130 tons of grain, although this figure is highly variable depending on soil conditions, farm history, crop type, and fertilizing efficiency (Vaccari, 2009).

Phosphate rock - nominal US dollars - World Bank Commodity ...

Knoema, an Eldridge business, is the most comprehensive source of global decision-making data in the world. Our tools allow individuals and organizations to discover, visualize, model, and present their data and the world's data to facilitate better decisions and better outcomes.

Reserves and Resources DC World Phosphate Rock

of phosphate rock mining and processing has occurred at numerous sites around the world over the past few decades. Vertical integration of phosphate rock mining and processing may be a necessary component to compete in the world phosphate fertilizer market when new deposits are developed.

World Phosphate Rock Reserves and Resources

Resources as unprocessed phosphate rock of varying grades or concentrate. c. Including hypothetical resources based on the area limits of the deposits, Morocco resources may be about 340,000 mmt. d. Includes data from Algeria, Finland, Peru and Saudi Arabia (Al-Jalamid). e. Includes data from Algeria, Angola, Finland, Kazakhstan, Peru and Saudi

TENORM: Fertilizer and Fertilizer Production Wastes | US EPA

Phosphate rock (phosphorite) mining is the fifth largest mining industry in the United States in terms of quantity of material mined. In 2019 the total production of phosphate rock in the U.S. was estimated at 23 million metric tons (MT). Most phosphate production leads to …

Maaden - Phosphate

Ma'aden's Phosphate Mine produces close to 11.6 million tonnes of ore per year, while the Beneficiation Plant up to 5 million tonnes of concentrated phosphate rock per year. Ma'aden has made significant infrastructure investments in Al Jalamid, building a Power Plant, a Potable Water Production Plant and a Communication Facilities.

How phosphate is mined and processed

rock phosphate can become soluble (and available to plants) either by chemical weathering or through the actions of certain types of plants. The solubility also depends on rock type and the pH of the soil; phosphorus is most soluble when contained in sedimentary rocks as opposed to igneous rock, and when soil pH is between 5.5 and 7.2.

phosphorite | Definition, Formation, & Uses | Britannica

phosphorite, also called phosphate rock, rock with a high concentration of phosphates in nodular or compact masses. The phosphates may be derived from a variety of sources, including marine invertebrates that secrete shells of calcium phosphate, and the bones and excrement of vertebrates.. The thickest deposits of phosphorite form in areas characterized by carbonaceous shale and chert.

Western Sahara Resource Watch | claims Morocco ...

In 2013, it was revealed that the Swedish company had supplied the controversial Bou Craa phosphate mine in occupied Western Sahara with critical drilling equipment. After six years of refusing to answer questions about the legality of its operations in Western Sahara, now defends Morocco's phosphate industry in occupied ...


A considerable part is underlain by a bed of phosphate rock which occurs in the Phosphoria formation, of Permian age, and is elevated to the surface of the mountainous area. In most of the middle and ... published in the Targhee Forest atlas. Similar maps have been prepared for=a portion of the Madison National Forest, including most of the ...

The phosphate sensor - ScienceDirect

However, phosphate rock supplies are being depleted and, according to some estimates, known deposits may last for less than 100 years (Tiessen, 1995). In order to precisely control the amount of phosphorus supplied to a crop, fast and simple, while still accurate and sensitive, means of measuring phosphate in soil solution are required.

How Has Phosphate Mining in Nauru Led to an Environmental ...

The Destruction of Nauru. Most of the phosphate in Nauru has been extracted through strip mining, which is the removal of large layers of earth in order to reach the minerals underneath. This practice leaves the earth largely barren, infertile, and unable to sustain plant life. Currently, about 90% of the island is covered in jagged and exposed ...

Baobab Phosphate Project, Dakar, Senegal, West Africa

The Baobab phosphate project is a high-grade phosphate rock project located approximately 140km from Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, West Africa. Baobab Mining and Chemicals Corporation (BMCC), an 80% owned subsidiary of Avenira, fully owns the project.

Use of phosphate rocks for sustainable agriculture

Phosphate rock broadcast application. Efficient fertilizer use, 1988, FAO, Rome. Maize crop. Nicaragua. FAO/15962/L. Dematteis. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations or ...

Rock Phosphate - Rock Phosphate Powder Latest Price ...

Rock phosphate is mined from clay deposits that contain phosphorus and is used to make organic phosphate fertilizers. This nutrient -rich fertilizer work with the soil and the nutrients are then made available to plants at a steady and even rate throughout the growing season.

Understanding phosphorus fertilizers | UMN Extension

Rock phosphate is the raw material used to manufacture most commercial phosphate fertilizers on the market. In the past, ground rock phosphate itself has been used as a source of P for acid soils. However, very little rock phosphate is currently used in agriculture due to low availability of P in this native material, high transportation costs ...


crude phosphate rock in British Columbia, nearby. The phosphate rock occurs in these areas as layers distributed through a stratum 12 to 16 feet thick in the lower part of the Permian Phosphoria formation. The neighboring sedimentary rocks are chiefly shale, sandstone, and limestone ... Atlas…

Determination of the composition of ground phosphate rock ...

The composition of the phosphate-containing fraction of the ground phosphate rock from Polpino deposit was examined by chemical and physicochemical methods ... Atlas infrakrasnykh spektrov fosfatov: ortofosfaty (Atlas of Infrared Spectra of Phosphates: Orthophosphates), Tanaev, I.V., Ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1981.

Phosphate Rock - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Rock phosphate. Rock phosphate is a naturally occurring ore of marine sedimentary origin. It may have a composition of 0-30-0, but the grade is noted as 0-3-0, since rock phosphate is sparingly soluble and little of the phosphorus is available to crops. Many of the mines that produced rock phosphate are closed, and most of the marketed rock ...

World Atlas - About Nauru

It is one of three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific Ocean--the others are Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati and Makatea in French Polynesia--though its phosphate reserves are nearly depleted. Phosphate mining in the central plateau has left a barren terrain of jagged coral pinnacles, up to 15 meters (49 ft.) high.

(PDF) Effect of sulphur added to phosphate rock on ...

So an experiment was conducted with four sources of phosphatic fertilizers namely Triple super phosphate (TSP – 21.75%P)), Part ially acidulated phosphate rock (PAPR – 12.97%P)), Morocco rock ...

World Ocean Atlas | National Centers for Environmental ...

The World Ocean Atlas (WOA) is a collection of objectively analyzed, quality controlled temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, silicate, and nitrate means based on profile data from the World Ocean Database (WOD). It can be used to create boundary and/or initial conditions for a variety of ocean models, verify numerical simulations of the ocean, and corroborate satellite data.

Phosphate mining in Matam, Ndiendouri-Ouali Diala deposits ...

Phosphate de Matam : 350 milliards pour Cheikh Amar, 9 Mai 2012 [click to view] Matam : Les parlementaires "inspectent"les mines de phosphates, Seneweb, 13 Janvier 2016 [click to view] (1) Sénégal : le virage stratégique de Cheikh Amar, Jeune Afrique, 28 mai 2008 [click to view]

Mining Minerals p1 - Welcome to the Digital Atlas of Idaho

Phosphate rock in southeastern Idaho is either: 1) processed into chemical fertilizer products by a wet process that dissolves phosphate rock with sulfuric acid to produce phosphoric acid; or 2) processed into elemental phosphorus by smelting a mixture of agglomerated phosphate rock, silica, and fine-free coke in a submerged-arc electric furnace.

The imports of phosphate rock from Morocco - knoema

The imports of phosphate rock from Morocco. 0.01 tonnes in 2018. Though Morocco the imports of phosphate rock fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to decrease through 2008 - 2018 period ending at 0.01 tonnes in 2018. The description is composed by our digital data assistant.

Phosphate: A Critical Resource Misused and Now Running Low ...

The world's food supplies are alarmingly dependent on the phosphate fertilizer that is hewn from the desert of the Western Sahara. The vast open-cast mine at Bou Craa delivers several million tons of phosphate rock every year down a 150-kilometer-long conveyor belt, the world's longest, to the Atlantic port of El Ayoun.

eCFR :: 40 CFR Part 422 -- Phosphate Manufacturing Point ...

§ 422.40 Applicability; description of the defluorinated phosphate rock subcategory. The provisions of this subpart are applicable to discharges resulting from the defluorination of phosphate rock by application of high temperature treatment along with wet process phosphoric acid, …